الثلاثاء، 12 يوليو 2011
الخميس، 30 يونيو 2011
One woman's Inspirational story ...
"Why should we care if our hair looks nice , if none of you ever looked at us , you only ever looked passed us m or through us
" i slowly open my eyes and smile at my former classmates , sitting before me , i can finally forgive them ... and myself ..." Jodee Blancoo
Just finished reading this novel .. again !
i read it over and over again like 4 times among the last few years .. it's about Jodee Blanco's real story - a former victim of bullying -to those kids who've been bullied at school , , and how she made it through .
it's very rich and intensive novel , she made me live every single moment she talked about , imagining myself as her , how i suffer a lot from the cheerleader's mocking , and the football players physical abusing , and even feel the spits of the mean kids on my hair!
it made me cry several time : when she stayed up all night crying and asking god to take her life and to just let it all be over , or at least to give her someone's cancer , somenone who loves to be living , which she doesn't !
when she asked the guy -whom she had a crush on him- to write something in her year book as a memory of gradution , then he wrote - with a big nice smile- in a thick black font :" everybody hates you and always will, you're God's worst mistake . Love, Taylor !"
when she've been teased and humeluated in public because of her "physical agony" !
and when the mean boys threaten her to beat her up if she enters the cafeteria again , so she had no place to go but the bathroom to eat in !
not only that but , her family suffered too , watching her in a sever pain , and intense sorrow without having a chance to do something useful other than talking to the principle and teacher who kept saying : it's kids being kids , not a big deal !
and even when she transferred from a school to another , she had always been the odd girl in every school she went to !
and all that just because she was different ! different in a positive way !
Jodde Blanco is now a very successful woman , owns her own company and deals everyday with celebrities and the vip , beside being an anti-bullying activist .
she's on her cursade across America , lecturing students, teachers and parents in schools to alert them of the dangers of Bullying.
she also appears in severals interviews talking about her best -selling novel , and tell her story to the world !
she said ..it's the catural of bullying that's accepted as the rite of the passage , adults like parents and schools think of it as "kids being kids" not " kids being cruel !"
today , the victims of bullying can't escape from the abuse " Blanco said in one of her interviews "it follows them to their computers and cell phones right in their living rooms and bed rooms"
elite students in schools are divided into : elite popular , and elite tormentors .
the elite tormentor are the bullies , the mean kids who hurt others in order to look cool , become populer , and accepted in groups !
" some of them are laughing because they r scared , if they didn't laugh , then everybody would laugh at them " Jodee said :" if you laugh at somebody of your own free well ,that's bad enough . But if u laugh at someone , just because everybody else is , that makes you the worst kind of coward "
"Bullying isn't just the mean things you do , it's all the nice things you never do "
we have to take it seriously because, there are those kids who came to that point of desperation and think of suicide !
kids who've been feeling invisible at school , set alone at lunch never get invited to anything , teased , mocked, made fun of get harassed , abused physically and verbally called names .
i know i talked too much and maybe went too far , but am too eager to express how much that novel affected me and how many things i've learned from this brilliant novel !
One woman's Inspirational story ...
"Why should we care if our hair looks nice , if none of you ever looked at us , you only ever looked passed us m or through us
" i slowly open my eyes and smile at my former classmates , sitting before me , i can finally forgive them ... and myself ..." Jodee Blancoo
Just finished reading this novel .. again !
i read it over and over again like 4 times among the last few years .. it's about Jodee Blanco's real story - a former victim of bullying -to those kids who've been bullied at school , , and how she made it through .
it's very rich and intensive novel , she made me live every single moment she talked about , imagining myself as her , how i suffer a lot from the cheerleader's mocking , and the football players physical abusing , and even feel the spits of the mean kids on my hair!
it made me cry several time : when she stayed up all night crying and asking god to take her life and to just let it all be over , or at least to give her someone's cancer , somenone who loves to be living , which she doesn't !
when she asked the guy -whom she had a crush on him- to write something in her year book as a memory of gradution , then he wrote - with a big nice smile- in a thick black font :" everybody hates you and always will, you're God's worst mistake . Love, Taylor !"
when she've been teased and humeluated in public because of her "physical agony" !
and when the mean boys threaten her to beat her up if she enters the cafeteria again , so she had no place to go but the bathroom to eat in !
not only that but , her family suffered too , watching her in a sever pain , and intense sorrow without having a chance to do something useful other than talking to the principle and teacher who kept saying : it's kids being kids , not a big deal !
and even when she transferred from a school to another , she had always been the odd girl in every school she went to !
and all that just because she was different ! different in a positive way !
Jodde Blanco is now a very successful woman , owns her own company and deals everyday with celebrities and the vip , beside being an anti-bullying activist .
she's on her cursade across America , lecturing students, teachers and parents in schools to alert them of the dangers of Bullying.
she also appears in severals interviews talking about her best -selling novel , and tell her story to the world !
she said ..it's the catural of bullying that's accepted as the rite of the passage , adults like parents and schools think of it as "kids being kids" not " kids being cruel !"
today , the victims of bullying can't escape from the abuse " Blanco said in one of her interviews "it follows them to their computers and cell phones right in their living rooms and bed rooms"
elite students in schools are divided into : elite popular , and elite tormentors .
the elite tormentor are the bullies , the mean kids who hurt others in order to look cool , become populer , and accepted in groups !
" some of them are laughing because they r scared , if they didn't laugh , then everybody would laugh at them " Jodee said :" if you laugh at somebody of your own free well ,that's bad enough . But if u laugh at someone , just because everybody else is , that makes you the worst kind of coward "
"Bullying isn't just the mean things you do , it's all the nice things you never do "
we have to take it seriously because, there are those kids who came to that point of desperation and think of suicide !
kids who've been feeling invisible at school , set alone at lunch never get invited to anything , teased , mocked, made fun of get harassed , abused physically and verbally called names .
i know i talked too much and maybe went too far , but am too eager to express how much that novel affected me and how many things i've learned from this brilliant novel !
الثلاثاء، 28 يونيو 2011
Peony In Love - Lisa See
للتو انتهيت من قراءة هذه الرواية .. قرأتها بنهم من الجلدة للجلدة
رحلة ساحرة زاخرة بالاساطير الصينية الجميلة والاعتقادات الهندوسية الواسعة الخيال
جميلة هي الصين كيف صورتها الكاتبة ليزا سي -الامريكية من اصول صينية- في روايتها الاخاذة .. جميلة كزخارف متقنة على جرة من الصين العتيق ..
حياة الصين والمرأة على وجه الخصوص اخذته بتلابيب دهشتي وغمرتي بالاستغراب للمفارقة العجيبة ..
رباه كيف تتشابه التقاليد عندنا وعندهم !
الفتاة منهم هي مجرد فم اخر لاطعامه وهم فوق هموم العائلة .. تدرس منذ الصغر على التطريز والتنسيق والتنظيف .. ينبغي عليها المرابضة في الغرفة العلوية لا تبرحها الا لبيت زوجها
صوتها لا يعلو فوق الهمس .. وعلومها ومداركها لا يجب ان تتسع لابعد من بيتها
مجبرة هي على الانحناء والركوع لابيها واخيها وزوجها .. واخيرا ابنها !
ولا يمكن ان نتخيل حجم الالم والمعاناة التي تعانيها الفتاة في عملية ربط الاقدام .., حيث تربط قدمها في سن السادسة بشكل تكون الاصابع تحت القدم وتنكسر مع مرور الوقت وتتقرح وتنز صديدا وقيحا .. من الممكن ان يؤدي الى الموت !
بغية لتشكيل القدم من جديد كزنبقة صغييرة منمقة !
مكانتها الاجتماعية ومكانة عائلتها لاتتعلق باراضيهم او املاكهم او جاه والدها او سمعة عائلتها .. بل بنجاح عملية ربط الاقدام
بطلة الرواية بيوني علمها والدها وثقفها خلافا للتقاليد فعاد ذلك وبالا عليها !
لانها بعد ان قرأت العديد من الاوبيرات الرومنسية التي تطالب فيها النساء باختيار ازواجهن ومن يحبون ضاربين بتقاليد اختيار الزيجات وفقا للنجوم وشكل القدم منذ سن التاسعة
طالبت بالشيء نفسه .. عشقت بيوني رجلا في حين يربطها القدر برجل اخر .. ذوت وتهاوت من العشق حتى ماتت !
وعادات بعدئذ شبحا جائعا لم يتم تنصيب مراسم دفته تحوم في الارض ترعى حبيبها وتعلم زوجاته كيف يكن مطيعات وكيف يسعدنه
وتمضي الرحلة عشرات السنين .. تنتظر بيوني ان تضع النقطة على لوح موتها الضائع لتستطيع الانتقال للشرفة المقدسة حيث الاسلاف بدلا من الضياع والجوع في الارض
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