الخميس، 16 مايو 2013

Teletubbies.. Hetrosexualist, OR Communist?

They say ideas are like diseases, you have no clear idea from where u got the infection, yet it's there right inside you, getting bigger and bigger. Well, no one said that cuz I just made that up, nice ha?
            Alright, so I’ve been reading some articles these days about - believe it or not- teletubbies !YES, teletubbies! Apparently Someone spelled the show’s name in front of me –in a class maybe- after a very long time and suddenly um obsessed ! I know it's weird to have an obsession over some fat colorful .. things! And again believe it or not, when I did some searches I found out that um not the only weirdo here, there is a plenty of weirdoes in the sea.. yeah what a relief !

So, There are some articles -some academic and some not- that came up with some strange theories about  that even more strange show.
Some of the articles claim that teletu...(whatever, um sick of copying n pasting that sick name) represents homosexuality! yes ! That kids show got some characters that are portrayed in a way that stresses on their genders. the evidence can be seen in the way that characters act through the show. First we have the purple. He got a deep manly voice that indicates with no doubt he is a male. He, however, carries around a red purse and behave in a very feminine way. Add to that the strange thing that is stuck to his head which takes the shape of an upside down triangle, which apparently used to be -or still is um not sure-a symbol of homosexuality. Therefore, some ppl assumed he is gay, gay as in both meanings LOL.
Another characters are the red and the lime green ones, who are obviously girls. They act, dress and talk like girls.
The last tele-something is the green or the blue I don't care. He is he clearly a male. He hates girly things ,refuses to act like one of them and wear a cow-boy hat most of the times. Very misogynistic I know! 
So yes, I think they have a point here. To a certain extent the show can be seen from a gender and sex perspective, yet it is not very convincing if you compare it to the next theory!

Another reading of the show, which I personally love because of the hilarious conspiracy sense it got, is that tele..shits is a communist show. HAHAHA, I know right! Let's just explore their theory before laughing our a**es off okay? deal.
The theory is build upon the note that the telelilies do not have personal stuff,  Like they all have one ball, purse hat and God knows what is the last thing that they all share. They all play with the same orange ball and they all have shifts in carrying that ugly red purse and wearing that spotted hat.
Also there is this sun, that has a baby face, and don’t get fooled by its cuteness because this chubby baby face watches the tele.. mother fuckers all the time (God  I love nasty words). Thus, the sun here represents the “big brother”, from George Orwell’s novel. Moreover, they have a vacuum cleaner that cleans after them, and most of the times it eats their stuff if they are not in order. That sounds mean, but the teleis love the vacuum cleaner as if they are brainwashed and take everything with appreciation! That elephant-look cleaner is a portrayal of the police power that enforces rules and law.
Finally, they have this machine that provides them food, with no clue about who brought it and made it , and it represents the government!
NOW.. what do (((I))) think- Yeah, after all these academic papers I wrote for my classes, trying to suppress my "I" and impersonalizing my writings, finally I get to say my opinion with no subjectivity hahaha, MY BLOG, MY RULES-,  okay so what I think about this theory is that it is a BULLSHIT! Seriously, tele-fuck as communists, COME ON! It sounds sooo gay! Very paranoiac if u ask me- and even if u don’t I’ll say it so suck it up-. The telefatties are too stupid and shallow and superficial to have secret messages, and even if they have it's a kids show for God sake ! Kids won’t get these embedded communist symbols and grow up becoming a communist! I myself used to watch it when I was 12 – big enough to get some symbols- and I didn’t see what the anti-communist articles are pointing at. Well I kinda have Marxist leanings but I haven’t until recently when I started to read and study Marxism, and definitely it is not because of that telechubbies!
It is because of the capitalist dominant media that made everything looks suspicious, and wants us to over think everything. To be paranoiac and insecure is what the Capitalist system relies on to keep existing and ruling this world. The way that this stupid and extremely superficial kids show have been analyzed to make us believe that communism is still a threat, even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, made me think why does communism still scare them to death, I kept thinking for a while and I think I now know why!
Capitalism is collapsing, whether they deny it or not it is. All the statistics and the breakdowns of the stocks are all evidences that show that capitalism or let's say America to be more specific is falling down and the next candidate to take their place is China who used to be Communists! and with all of what is going on in the mean time, the Arab spring the revolutions and the opposition movements around the world, people are more aware of their rights, their governments deception is no longer buyable.
 That's why the anti-communist theories exist. To convince us that communism is bad ! that there are conspiracies made  against us by them. That we are still in danger, and thus we need to close ourselves up and push that satanic ideology away without even knowing what does it really mean!
The biggest evidence of what um saying is that even kids shows are involved in the conspiracies ! And do you know what really pisses me off the most in that conspiracy theory? It is the fact that there are quit a bunch of ppl who really think that overweight-alien-tele-things have some hidden plans to control the viewers mind .... GO KILL URSELVES IDIOTS!!

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